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2018-01-02 min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Jan. 2, 2018 – 2:35 PM
Selectboard – Meeting w/ Adv. Cmte. – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.  Adv. Committee members included Chair John Shipman, Judy Dino, Wayne Adams and Don Schoeny
Discussion with Hwy. Supt. Glenn Lyons – Jon F. used hypothetical situation of asking for a budget cut in the Hwy. Sept. of around $50,000, Glenn replied it would reduce one full-time staff. He stressed how much demand has increased in recent years for road clearing during storm events, that resident insist on “bare pavement.” He noted that the recent ice storm cost the town the equivalent of 3-4 snowstorms in use of salt and sand, etc. Cost of materials in recent years has escalated (quadrupled) to $60-$70/yd. for salt and $16/yd. for sand. He also reported on high engineering costs for culvert repairs to meet highest standards of state DEP regs., which may be modified/waived if a community cannot afford the costs. A grant for $78,000 will supplement the $93,000 estimate to engineer plans for repairs at the Ball Hill Road culvert.
                Group discussed the $350,000 annually added to the Hwy. budget as a line item, and agreed it should stay as line item and not a capital item as it’s used for operations (routine repairs/maintenance).  There was some discussion about leasing or buying new rather than used equipment.
                John S. explained that he wants detailed breakdown of all vehicles and replacement needs, from major departments, and backup information for purchase of used vehicles. Glenn has a capital request for a 6-wheel (used) dump truck to replace one that is 31 years old. John S. noted that some department requests are not sustainable. He insisted that the two boards needed explanations for major expenditure articles at ATM, because he anticipated questions from voters. Richy agreed that town officials wanted to be prepared to answer difficult questions at ATM
                It was stated that the Adv. Cmte. and Selectboard are intent on supporting Glenn in getting his budget items/requests approved, and John S. is offering to personally help him. Several members commended Glenn and his department for their continuing, successful efforts in maintaining roadways, noting that complaints that crop up are inevitable, as you can’t please everyone.
                Glenn pointed out that residents’ expectations have affected operation of the Highway Dept., as every year the demands seem higher. He also cited the escalating costs of environmental regulations around culverts, bridges and drainage facilities. He explained that his staff is always working when they are on duty, but hiring reliable staff seems to be increasingly challenging.
                Jon F. suggested helping Glenn by somehow reducing the public’s expectations, reducing environmental regulations, raising Hwy. Dept. wages and supporting Glenn’s capital requests.
Issues impacting creation of a town capital plan – John S. stated that department heads don’t supply enough details to support their capital requests. There are no specifics on how numbers are arrived at, from DPW or public safety. Department heads need to expect tough questions and support their budget requests with facts, not anecdotes, John S. insisted. Wayne A. noted that all department heads need some help in providing information for a capital plan.
                Edith described past procedures for budget preparation, including Adv. Cmte. members, one or two, visiting departments on site. Judy D. suggested creating a template with capital plan questions and helping staff fill in the blanks. Group considered having the three major department heads meet with two Adv. Cmte. members followed by a meeting with the entire committee, who can work out the logistics. The Adv. Cmte. will meet at 7 PM on Jan. 8—preceding joint meeting with Select Board—to confirm this procedure.
Advisory Committee adjourned 4:50 PM  
Personnel --  Patrick Joyce has taken position as snow plow driver pending passing CORI. The board voted all in favor to accept resignation of Brett Trowbridge from the Conservation Commission.
Minutes; Correspondence – Group discussed minutes from previous meetings and agreed to severl edits. They voted all in favor to approve minutes of Dec. 11, 14 & 20 as amended. They briefly discussed a letter to be sent to Sen. Harriette Chandler concerning the Transportation Bond Bill.
Executive Session -- Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.  Exemption Three – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”
Adjourned 5:25 PM In roll call, board voted to adjourn from Exec. Session and regular meeting
Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.
Selectboard Referenced Documents:  resignation letter of Brett Trowbridge; letter for Sen. Harriet Chandler

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department